Una Congregación Miembro de la Iglesia Luterana—Sínodo de Missouri
Dirección de envio PO Box 1164 Colón EN 47202
Pastor Search Updates
Finding the Pastor called to Faith by God
Pastor Riordan will be retiring from full time ministry this fall.
Pastor Josiah Fitch called Tom Rafferty on November 3, to accept the call to Faith! We will share information concerning his start date, move, etc. as it becomes available. Please continue to pray through these exciting times for Faith and the Fitch family - Pastor Josiah Fitch, his wife Ashley and his children: Kessidy 9, Eliana 7, Benjamin 5, Japheth 4, and Samuel 2. We also pray for Peace Lutheran in Neenah, WI (the congregation Pastor Fitch is leaving).
—Blessings, Call Committee
Tom Rafferty, Chair
Allegra Carmickle
Dana Vogt
Jon Hill
Judy Clipp
Karl Radtke
Regina Allman
Susan Waltz
Pastoral Call Committee
Allegra Carmickle
Judy Clipp
Susan Waltz
Dana Vogt
Regina Allman
Tom Rafferty