Una Congregación Miembro de la Iglesia Luterana—Sínodo de Missouri
Dirección de envio PO Box 1164 Colón EN 47202
Pastor Search Updates
Finding the Pastor called to Faith by God
Pastor Riordan will be retiring from full time ministry this fall.
Pastor Fitch Welcome & Installation
We welcome Pastor Fitch, his wife Ashley, and children, Kessidy, Eliana, Benjamin, Japheth and Samuel to Faith Lutheran! On Sunday, December15 at 4p, Pastor Fitch will be installed as Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church. The bulletin link is on the home page. Following the Installation service there will be a dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Please plan to attend, and support Pastor Fitch as he begins his ministry at Faith. If you will be coming to the meal, and have not yet signed up, please contact Mike Waltz at waltzprodev@gmail.com.
Also, several members have expressed an interest in giving directly towards Pastor Fitch’s moving expenses and welcome fund. If you would like to contribute, please use the envelopes and slips in the Narthex and put your donation in the wooden box with Welcome on the front. Be sure to write Pr Fitch” on the memo line of your check.
—Blessings, Call Committee
Tom Rafferty, Chair
Allegra Carmickle
Dana Vogt
Jon Hill
Judy Clipp
Karl Radtke
Regina Allman
Susan Waltz

Pastoral Call Committee

Allegra Carmickle

Judy Clipp

Susan Waltz

Dana Vogt

Regina Allman

Tom Rafferty