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Pastor Search Updates

Finding the Pastor called to Faith by God

Pastor Riordan will be retiring from full time ministry this fall.

Read his letter here

    On Sunday October 13 immediately following the worship service, the suspended call meeting held on September 15 will be reconvened, and a vote will be held to extend a call to one of the other previously presented candidates. The call committee met with Pastor Mitchell and this is an approved course of action. Summaries and service links for both candidates are attached, and the full Self Evaluation Tool (SET) for each is available to view in the church office.

    Plans for the meeting are to remain in the sanctuary after the closing hymn. Parents with young children can go out into the cafe area and still participate as the meeting will be broadcast through the speakers and screens. The meeting will begin with prayer. Then we will proceed with a motion to vote on the two candidates, discussion, and vote. Plese feel free to contact me, or any member of the call committee, with questions on the men or the process.

    The call committee appreciates your continuing prayers and support.

—Blessings, Call Committee
Tom Rafferty, Chair

Allegra Carmickle

Dana Vogt

Jon Hill

Judy Clipp

Karl Radtke

Regina Allman

Susan Waltz


Pastoral Call Committee


Allegra Carmickle


Judy Clipp


Susan Waltz

Dana Vogt.jpg

Dana Vogt


Regina Allman


Tom Rafferty

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